Thursday, March 10, 2011

Guilty Pleasures

We all have our guilty pleasures. Mine being the occasional blasting of the high school pop songs driving down Highway 1 with the windows rolled down and singing (or...screaming) the lyrics at the top of my lungs, splurging on cocktail rings and shoes (and these days I've managed to throw in a couple of guilty pleasure skirts as well), and of course food.
The two guilty pleasures today are of course, food related.
Why are they guilty pleasures? Not only are they filled with pork fat, carbs, cream, butter, and sweet tooth melting deliciousness, but also because this job makes it difficult to commit to lent.

A.G. Ferrari Foods potato, leek and panchetta torte

"Savory torte?" I know, I can't believe I didn't know about this either.

I could seriously eat this for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. (Ooo, can you imagine this with a fried egg? Now, that's a breakfast of champs!) It's like a potato quiche in an open face calzone. The only thing that's keeping me from going back to the kitchen for seconds is that there probably isn't anymore.
UPDATE: I totally lied. There was more, and I cut myself another small (SMALL) wedge. Kudos to me for resisting temptation--the temptation to devour the rest!
Birthday Otis Spunkmeyer cookies

They make some of the most scrumptious cookies (white chocolate macadamia nuts, who can say no?)If you're a soft and chewy cookie loving type (like me!), I have two words for you: Otis Spunkmeyer!

There were about a dozen...I ate four of them...and counting.

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