Monday, June 28, 2010


I can die happy now! (Well, almost)
Matt and I bought tickets to see Anthony Bourdain months in advance--the event was June 18, and we bought tickets, I believe, in April, as soon as they went on sale.
Why was Tony in LA?
Well, to promote his new book, Medium Raw: A Bloody Valentine to the World Of Food and the People Who Cook.
Pitiful to admit, but I think I might have even shed a tear as the lights dimmed and he swaggered out on to the stage. I was excited to see him--to say the least.
He was incredibly funny and charming!

Note: New Yorkers, Anthony Bourdain included, LOVE In and Out!

(A clip of Anthony Bourdain answering a question--we weren't allowed to take videos or pictures so the pictures came out horribly blurry, but I managed to snag this clip...what would the event be if I didn't have evidence of it?...I was disappointed that there wasn't a book signing after wards. But I guess that's understandable--it would have been a feeding frenzy.)

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